Sunday, April 14, 2013

Redwall Poems

Greetings Readers!
Though this blog is mainly for the purpose of posting my own poems and some stories, I will at certain points be posting poems by some of my very favorite authors. This one is by one of the best poet's/authors that I know of: the late Brian Jacques, author of the Redwall series, seven strange and ghostly tales, the Adventures of Urso Brunov, many, many more.


The Wind's icy breath o'er the land of death,
Tells a tale of the yet to come.
Past heaving waves that mark ships' graves,
Lies and island known to some,
Where seas pound loud and rocks stand proud,
And blood flows free as water,
To the far northwest, which knows no rest,
Came a father and his daughter.
The mind was numb, and the heart struck dumb,
When the night seas took the child,
Hurled to her fate, by a son of Hellgate,
The dark one called The Wild,
You whom they seek, though you do not speak,
The legend is yet to be born,
One day you will sing, over stones that are red,
In the misty summer dawn.    


  1. Redwall! Redwall is awesome. I really like it's poems too. Brian Jacques was a genius.

    1. Yes, Brian Jacques was a genius. This [articular verse comes from one of my favorites of his: Mariel of Redwall.
